On Saturday, Mark, Tessa, and I moved into our 1st house. We were able to move everything in one day with the help of parents, Mark's brother Jacob and Mark's friend Cody. (The pics are of Mark and Tessa practicing their moving skills.) We love the extra space and it is nice but weird to come home to a place where you don't have to share the parking spaces. I have begun hanging up things and decorating because I can't stand to be unorganized. Mark's mom was impressed that I was able to organize my kitchen before everyone left on Sat. Tessa loves the new house and all the extra moving room. She walks everywhere and has said goodbye to crawling.
Besides moving on Sat. Mark started his new job in Scottsdale on Tues. He is really excited for the new opportunities that Scottsdale holds for him.
Tessa and I start swimming lessons on Monday at Kino.
Besides moving on Sat. Mark started his new job in Scottsdale on Tues. He is really excited for the new opportunities that Scottsdale holds for him.
Tessa and I start swimming lessons on Monday at Kino.