Sunday, April 22, 2012

My amazing husband ….

Sent me these…


with a note saying we would leave for

San Diego in the morning!


I was super excited and a little overwhelmed because I’m a planner. But I got us and the girls together and we left Friday morning.

DSCF1243The plan was to attend the San Diego Temple on Saturday morning and do anything else we wanted.

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We had a delicious dinner Friday night at a local La Jolla restaurant. This was our view for dinner!


People were swimming in the ocean as the dolphins swam with them.


We wanted to eat somewhere you can’t eat at in Mesa.  The restaurant had the BEST clam chowder soup and our entrees were AMAZING. Mark’s only complaint was the soda! It was small and no refills. I had to laugh and laugh and laugh!


We walked around after dinner and in the La Jolla Bay we found this! Seals/Sea Lions (not sure) just hanging out.


We couldn’t eat dessert after dinner but wanted it later so across from our hotel was PF Changs. We got this 6 layer chocolate piece of heaven and we bought soda! YUM. YUM.

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Attending the Temple was a wonderful experience. It was so beautiful inside with a brightness unlike the Mesa Temple. While the Temple inside is different, the ordinances are not! That was a sweet confirmation to me of the truthfulness of the gospel no matter where you go and the importance of temples!

Side Note ** I am a dork and forgot to pack Mark a shirt and tie so we had to by one.**

It was an amazing trip! One that we have always wanted to take but never have. Mark decided it was time to go before life got so crazy with summer and the mom/dad get to have time and fun without children!

Thank you Mark, I had a wonderful time with you even if it was hard for us all to get back in routine.


**A special thank you to both sets of grandparents for watching our girls so we could go. We love you!**

1 comment:

Martha said...

Oh my goodness!! What a GREAT husband you have!! Did he have this planned for a while or just said let's go? it's always so nice to have alone time with each other without the kids!